Java Installation Notes

We will be using Java 1.5 and some oof its new features. If your have an earlier version such as 1.4 you will need to uninstall it (Add/Remove programs) or just leave it and install the new version. You may already have Java 1.5 and its documentation installed in the default directory (c:\Program Files\java). If you have Java installed in other directories you can uninstall it and re-install it or make the appropriate modifications to the tutorials which assume the default location.

Installing Java

The latest version of Java is 1.5.0_04. Installing Java is simple. Just run the executable file jdk-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe and accept all the defaults. This will install the java development kit version 1.5 (jdk1.5.0_04) and the Java runtime environment (jre1.5.0_04) in directory c:\Program Files\Java. Your installation directory should look like

You may also have other versions of Java in this directory but the two shown above are the only ones we need.

We need both the JRE and the JDK since the documentation and java tools (javadoc for example) are only available in the JDK. [For Eclipse users the Eclipse environment uses its own compiler instead of the one in the JDK but if you are compiling Java classes outside this environment then you can use the compiler that comes with the JDK.]

Installing the Java Documentation

It is very important to install the Java class documentation. It comes in a separate zip file called You can unzip it using WinZip or the built-in Win XP facility.

When you unzip this file it is very important that you unzip it into the directory c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04 (that's jdk not jre.) You should now have the directory containing the docs directory as shown below.

If you don't have the docs directory after unzipping then you unzipped it in the wrong place and you can move it to the correct place.

Making Links to the Java Documentation

It is very convenient to make shortcuts on your desktop so that you can easily view the general Java documentation and the API (application program interface) documentation of all the classes.

Navigate to the following directory (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\docs)

Make a shortcut of index.html on your desktop and rename it to javadoc 1.5.

Now navigate to the following directory (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\docs\api)

and make a shortcut of index.html on your desktop and rename it to javadoc 1.5 api. This link gives you the main documentation page for all the Java classes.