Phase 2: Multiprogramming
The second phase of Nachos is to support multiprogramming.
As in the first assignment, we give you some of the
code you need; your job is to complete the system and enhance it. Up
to now, all the code you have written for Nachos has been part of the
operating system kernel. In a real operating system, the kernel not
only uses its procedures internally, but allows user-level programs
to access some of its routines them via system calls.
The first step is to read and understand the part of the system we
have written for you. The kernel files are in the nachos.userprog
package, and there are a few additional machine simulation classes that get
- Processor simulates a MIPS processor.
- SerialConsole simulates a serial console (for keyboard input and
text output).
- FileSystem is a file system interface. To access files, use the
FileSystem returned by Machine.stubFileSystem(). This file
system accesses files in the test directory.
The new kernel files for this assignment include:
- - a multiprogramming kernel.
- - a user process; manages the address space, and
loads a program into virtual memory.
- - a thread capable of executing user MIPS code.
- - a synchronized console; makes it possible to
share the machine's serial console among multiple threads.
In this assignment we are giving you a simulated CPU that models a real CPU
(a MIPS R3000 chip). By simulating the execution, we have complete control
over how many instructions are executed at a time, how the address translation
works, and how interrupts and exceptions (including system calls) are handled.
Our simulator can run normal programs compiled from C to the MIPS instruction
set. The only caveat is that floating point operations are not supported.
The code we provide can run a single user-level MIPS program at a time,
and supports just one system call: halt. All halt
does is ask the operating system to shut the machine down. This test
program is found in test/halt.c and represents the simplest
supported MIPS program.
We have provided several other example MIPS programs
in the test directory of the Nachos distribution. You can use
these programs to test your implementation, or you can write new
programs. Of course, you won't be able to run the programs which make
use of features such as I/O until you implement the appropriate
kernel support! That will be your task in this project.
The test directory
includes C source files (.c files) and Nachos user program binaries
(.coff files). The binaries can be built while in the test
directory by running gmake, or from the proj2
directory by running gmake test.
To run the halt program, go to the test directory
and gmake; then go to the
proj2 directory, gmake, and run nachos -d ma.
Trace what happens as the user program gets loaded, runs, and invokes a system
call (the 'm' debug flag enables MIPS disassembly, and the
'a' debug flag prints process loading information).
There are multiple stages to building a Nachos-compatible
MIPS binary (all of which are handled by the test Makefile):
- Source files (*.c) are compiled into object files (*.o)
by mips-gcc.
- Some of the object files are linked into libnachos.a, the Nachos
standard library.
- start.s is preprocessed and assembled into start.o.
This file contains the assembly-language code to initialize a process.
It also provides the system call "stub code" which allows
system calls to be invoked. This makes use of the special MIPS
instruction syscall which traps to the Nachos kernel to
invoke a system call.
- An object file is linked with libnachos.a to produce a
Nachos-compatible MIPS binary, which has the extension *.coff.
(COFF stands for Common Object File Format and is an industry-standard
binary format which the Nachos kernel understands.)
You can run other test programs by running
nachos -x PROGNAME.coff
where PROGNAME.coff is the name of the MIPS program binary
in the test directory. Feel free to write your own C test
programs -- in fact, you will need to do so for testing your own code!
As with Phase 1, you should submit and document your test cases (for
both the Java and C components of your code) with the project.
For this project most test cases will be implemented as C programs
which test your system calls, but some "internal" testing in Java
may be possible as well.
(30%, 125 lines) Implement the file system calls (creat,
open, read, write, close, and
unlink, documented in syscall.h). You will see the
code for halt in; it is best for
you to place your new system calls here too. Note that you are
not implementing a file system; rather, you are simply giving
user processes the ability to access a file system that we have
implemented for you.
- We have provided you the assembly code necessary to invoke
system calls from user programs (see start.s;
the SYSCALLSTUB macro generates assembly code for each syscall).
- You will need to bullet-proof the Nachos kernel from
user program errors; there should be nothing a user program can do
to crash the operating system (with the exception of explicitly invoking the
halt() syscall). In other words, you must be sure that user
programs do not pass bogus arguments to the kernel which causes
the kernel to corrupt its internal state or that of other processes.
Also, you must take steps to ensure that if a user process does anything
illegal -- such as attempting to access unmapped memory or jumping to
a bad address -- that the process will be killed cleanly and its
resources freed.
You should make it so that the halt() system call can only
be invoked by the "root" process -- that is, the first process in the
system. If another process attempts to invoke halt(),
the system call should be ignored and return immediately.
- Since the memory addresses passed as arguments to the system calls
are virtual addresses, you need to use
UserProcess.readVirtualMemory and
UserProcess.writeVirtualMemory to transfer memory between
the user process and the kernel.
- User
processes store filenames and other string arguments as null-terminated
strings in their virtual address space. The maximum length of for strings
passed as arguments to system calls is 256 bytes.
- When a system call wishes to indicate an error condition to the
user, it should return -1 (not throw an exception within the
kernel!). Otherwise, the system call should return the appropriate value
as documented in test/syscall.h.
- When any process is started, its file descriptors 0 and 1 must refer to
standard input and standard output. Use UserKernel.console.openForReading()
and UserKernel.console.openForWriting() to make this easier. A user process
is allowed to close these descriptors, just like descriptors returned by
- A stub file system interface to the UNIX file system is already
provided for you; the interface is given by the class
machine/ You can access the stub filesystem
through the static field ThreadedKernel.fileSystem. (Note that
since UserKernel extends ThreadedKernel, you can
still access this field.) This filesystem is
capable of accessing the test directory in your Nachos
distribution, which is going to be useful when you want to support the
exec system call (see below). You
do not need to implement any file system functionality.
- Do not implement any kind of file locking; this is the file
system's responsibility. If
returns a non-null OpenFile, then the user process is
allowed to access the given file; otherwise, you should signal an
error. Likewise, you do not need to worry about the details of what
happens if multiple processes attempt to access the same file at once;
the stub filesystem handles these details for you.
- Your implementation should support at least 16 concurrently open files.
Each file that a process has opened should have a unique
file descriptor associated with it (see syscall.h
for details). The file descriptor should be a non-negative integer that
is simply used to index into a table of currently-open files by that
process. Note that a given file descriptor can be reused if the file
associated with it is closed, and that different processes can use the
same file descriptor (i.e. integer) to refer to different files.
(25%, 100 lines) Implement support for multiprogramming. The code we
have given you is restricted to running one user process at a time;
your job is to make it work for multiple user processes.
- Come up with a way of allocating the machine's
physical memory so that different processes do not overlap in their
memory usage.
Note that the user programs do not make use of malloc() or
free(), meaning that user programs effectively have no
dynamic memory allocation needs (and therefore, no heap). What this
means is that you know the complete memory needs of a process when
it is created. You can allocate a fixed number of pages for the
processe's stack; 8 pages should be sufficient.
We suggest maintaining
a global linked list of free physical pages (perhaps as part of the
UserKernel class). Be sure to use synchronization where
necessary when accessing this list.
Your solution must make efficient use of memory by allocating
pages for the new process wherever possible. This means that it is
not acceptable to only allocate pages in a contiguous block;
your solution must be able to make use of "gaps" in the free memory pool.
Also be sure that all of a process's memory is freed on exit
(whether it exits normally, via the syscall exit(), or
abnormally, due to an illegal operation).
- Modify UserProcess.readVirtualMemory and
UserProcess.writeVirtualMemory, which copy data between
the kernel and the user's virtual address space, so that they work
with multiple user processes.
The physical memory of the MIPS machine is accessed
through the method Machine.processor().getMemory();
the total number of physical pages is
Machine.processor().getNumPhysPages(). You should maintain
the pageTable for each user process, which maps the
user's virtual addresses to physical addresses. The
TranslationEntry class represents a single virtual-to-physical
page translation.
The field TranslationEntry.readOnly should be set to
true if the page is coming from a COFF section which
is marked as read-only. You can determine this using the method
Note that these methods should not throw exceptions when they fail;
instead, they must always return the number of bytes transferred (even
if that number is zero).
- Modify UserProcess.loadSections()
so that it allocates the number of pages that it needs (that is, based
on the size of the user program), using the allocation policy that you
decided upon above. This method should also set up the pageTable
structure for the process so that the process is loaded into the
correct physical memory pages.
If the new user process cannot fit into physical memory,
exec() should return an error.
Note that the user threads (see the UThread class) already save
and restore user machine state, as well as process state, on context switches.
So, you are not responsible for these details.
(30%, 125 lines) Implement the system calls (exec,
join, and exit, also documented in syscall.h).
- Again, all the addresses passed in registers to exec and
join are virtual addresses. You should use readVirtualMemory
and readVirtualMemoryString to transfer memory between
the kernel and the user process.
- Again, you must bullet-proof these syscalls.
- Note that the state of the child process is entirely private to
this process. This means that the parent and child do not directly share
memory, file descriptors, or other state. Note that two processes can
of course open the same file; for example, all processes should have
file descriptors 0 and 1 mapped to the system console, as described
- Unlike KThread.join(), only a process's parent can join to it.
For instance, if A executes B and B executes C, A is not allowed to join to C,
but B is allowed to join to C.
- join takes a process ID as an argument, used to
uniquely identify the child process which the parent wishes to join with.
The process ID should be a globally unique positive integer,
assigned to each process when it is created. (Although for this project
the only use of the process ID is in join, for later project
phases it is important that the process ID is unique across all running
processes in the system.) The easiest way of accomplishing this is to
maintain a static counter which indicates the next process ID to assign.
Since the process ID is an int, then it may be possible for this
value to overflow if there are many processes in the system. For this
project you are not expected to deal with this case; that is, assume
that the process ID counter will not overflow.
- When a process calls exit(), its thread should be terminated
immediately, and the process should clean up any state associated with
it (i.e. free up memory, close open files, etc). Perform the same
cleanup if a process exits abnormally.
- The exit status of the exiting process should be transferred
to the parent, in case the parent calls the join system
call. The exit status of a process that exits abnormally is up to
- The last process to call exit() should cause the
machine to halt by calling Machine.halt(). (Note that only the
root process should be allowed to invoke the halt() system
call, but the last exiting process should call
Machine.halt() directly.)
Please note that the number of lines given in the description of
the problem is intended only as an aid to you in determining the
relative complexity of of the different parts. Is is not a goal, a
minimum, a maximum or anything else.