Eclipse Installation Notes and Tutorials
These notes describe how to install, use and configure
Eclipse 3.1 on your home PC.
Eclipse 3.1 can be installed from the zip file
which can be obtained
from or locally
or from the CD.
Before installing Eclipse 3.1 please read the
Installing Eclipse
notes below.
What is Eclipse?
Eclipse is a general purpose professional open source IDE
(integrated development environment) for program development.
It is primarily used with Java but other
languages such as C/C++ are supported by plug-ins.
We will be using Eclipse version 3.1 since it has support for
Java 5 (1.5).
Installing Java
The Java installation notes show how to install version 1.5 of the
java run time environment (JRE) and Java devalopment kit (JDK) and
how to install the Java class documentation.
Installing Java and API Documentation
Installing Eclipse
The Eclipse installation notes show how to save a previous version
of Eclipse (version 3.0 for example), how to install the new version
3.1, and how to specify a default workspace.
Installing Eclipse
Introductory Eclipse Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to create Eclipse projects in your workspace,
how to create packages, how to create classes and run them as Java applications,
and how to use the scrapbook to test classes.
Introductory Eclipse Tutorial
Javadoc Configuration Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to configure Eclipse so that java documentation
can be created for projects and packages, and shows how
to view Java documentation for the standard Java API.
Javadoc Configuration Tutorial
Eclipse Configuration Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to change preferences and configure
the java editor.
Eclipse Configuration Tutorial
Eclipse Export Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to export a project as a zip file, how
to export a project as a file syste and how to export a java
application as a JAR file.
Eclipse Export Tutorial
Eclipse Import Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to import a project into a workspace,
how to import files and packages into a workspace.
Eclipse Import Tutorial
External JAR Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to create a JAR file for a package, how
to put an external JAR file on the project classpath, and how
to access java documentation stored in a JAR file.
Eclipse Extenal JAR Tutorial